40% of the Indian population are severely malnourished. For too many children starvation leads to their slow and painful death. We are caring for 500 orphan children in 7 of our homes. We provide their food, medication, clothing and education whilst nurturing them with the love of Jesus.

Stealing and begging on train stations to survive is just life for children as young as 8 years old. We support a shelter for young people who work and live on the railway stations. We give food, teaching and training in various trades like carpentry and tailoring.

Harsh reality hit one teenage boy when his father died. His mother could not afford to provide for both him and his sister so he went to work. His employers exploited him and the little money he earned was not enough for his mother, so he found refuge on the railway. One night when he was sleeping a police officer accused him of thieving. The police officer beat the boy and put him in a cell. Even though he was innocent he was too afraid to return to his mother. He was left with no hope. His arm had multiple fractures from the beating. Now he has refuge in the shelter. Because of Jesus he now has hope of a better life.