Welcome to Seed of Hope Eare

We greet you in Jesus’ wonderful name. We are incredibly grateful to God who began this work 40 years a go with a dedicated woman of prayer and vision. We are so thankful to all who partner with us to transform thousands of lives in India, because we can do nothing without our partner’s prayers and support.

If you condensed the entire Bible in to one single word that word would be LOVE.

Many people mistake love to be a mere noun no It is much more than a noun.

Love is a verb.

That is why people say ‘If you love somebody, show it!’

EARE is showing God’s divine love to the perishing souls, to the starving, sick and suffering people within India through feeding, clothing, liberating, restoring and sharing the Good News of Christ.

Jesus clearly stated in Luke 10:25-28 that to inherit eternal life only two things are required: ‘Thou shall love the Lord thy God…and thy neighbour.’

Loving God is a lot easier than loving people. However, if we do not love both we cannot call ourselves followers of Christ.
