A letter form the President - Bishop SUDHEER KUMAR

We greet you in Jesus’ wonderful name. We are incredibly grateful to God who began this work 40 years a go with a dedicated woman of prayer and vision. We are so thankful to all who partner with us to transform thousands of lives in India, because we can do nothing without our partner’s prayers and support.

If you condensed the entire Bible in to one single word that word would be LOVE.

Many people mistake love to be a mere noun no It is much more than a noun.

Love is a verb.

That is why people say ‘If you love somebody, show it!’

EARE is showing God’s divine love to the perishing souls, to the starving, sick and suffering people within India through feeding, clothing, liberating, restoring and sharing the Good News of Christ.

Bishop Sudheer Kumar President

Jesus clearly stated in Luke 10:25-28 that to inherit eternal life only two things are required: ‘Thou shall love the Lord thy God…and thy neighbour.’

Loving God is a lot easier than loving people. However, if we do not love both we cannot call ourselves followers of Christ.

We have to follow his example. He came to serve not to be served. He said ‘come and follow me’. Yes, Christianity is not a relationship, but faith and relation where love is the way of life. We understand the ministry of Jesus to be threefold: Feeding, Healing and sharing the Good News. So our aim is to do the same.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan ‘A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.’ Today there are millions of people deteriorating spiritually, emotionally and physically.

There may be Priests and Levites that look and pass by, but the question is — How many good Samaritans are there who are eager to stand in the gap? India needs more good Samaritans to share the love of Christ. Will you be one of them?

Founder Message

Lead the nations to the light of Jesus Christ.

Reach the unreached villages with the Good News and pioneer churches.

Support and equip pastors who are willing to carry the message of peace to the needy places in India.

Drill wells in all the deprived villages that are desperate for clean and safe drinking water.

Seek poor, forgotten villages that cannot afford healthcare and provide them with free medical treatment.

Provide shelter, food and education for neglected children, elderly, widows, and lepers.

Give hope to the people at the bottom of society by giving them support and training in different vocations.

Founder Lalitha Kumari

Build HIV/AIDS care centers to provide treatment for the afflicted, comfort for the dying, and to raise awareness of the virus.

Raise prayer partners in every country.

Be self-supported, through rice fields, fish farms and through dairy and poultry projects.